Thursday, May 29, 2014

Another Use for Dawn Dish Liquid

Dandelion Season
NON-toxic Weed Killer Recipe

I have NOT tried this yet,
but with all the Dawn in my stockroom,
I'll give it a whirl!
Good to use in yards with Pets & Children roaming around!

SHARE this on your own page for future reference and to help inform and protect others.

1/2 gallon of Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 c table salt
1/2 tsp Dawn liquid dish soap

Mix above ingredients in a spray bottle.
Spray weeds thoroughly.

Works better than Round Up - kills weeds on 1st application.

The Dawn dish soap strips the weed of its protective oils 
so the vinegar can work with deadly force.
Safe for use in yards used by children and pets!!